Wednesday, April 13, 2016

10 Minutes Tips for a Happier Spring!

Ten Minute Tricks for a Happier Spring

Those of us who care for seniors often see spring as an easin' season: a time when older people might be able to get out a bit more, and that extra hour of daytime makes everyone feel a bit lighter, every to-do list feel a bit more, well, doable. But even if you're somewhat housebound or you can only find ten extra minutes, you can still make life a little richer for both you and your senior this spring. Here are some ideas:​
Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can benefit everyone but it has some particularly great advantages for seniors and those who care for them. Studies show that mindfulness can help increase longevity, decrease loneliness, improve mood and may even slow the progression of dementia. For caregivers, it is also a great stress-reducer. Most practitioners agree that even ten dedicated mindful minutes a day can have a positive impact. Plus, it's free! You can learn more about some mindfulness techniques here.
Skype: For seniors who have far-away loved ones – or even friends and family close by that schedules or mobility issues keep them from seeing as often as they'd like – Skype and Facetime are the best thing since sliced bread. A few moments seeing and chatting with a loved one can brighten a senior's day and give a busy caregiver time to rest or take care of a long put-off task.
Container gardening: While the first two things on this list are year-round activities, container gardening is a joy that's really reserved for the warm weather months. Even something as simple as a pot or window box will give an older person something to nurture and enjoy. And the possibilities of what can be planted? Endless!
Walking: For older adults who can walk – even if it means with the aid of a walker – a few minutes walking every day can do a world of good. This can either mean little walks around the block or property, or visits to a local greenhouse or park. On those cool or rainy days, mall walking is always an option.
For more information about improving the lives of seniors and those who care for them, please contact us!

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